Gérard Cambon
AssemblageBio and approach
Artistically speaking, I am an accident.
Of course, as a child, I used to build huts, wooden planes, then I tried my hand at gluing, modelling, mounting small assemblages. But as I grew up, I embarked on a professional path that left only little room for artistic activities.
At 35, after having been treated for a leukemia, I suddenly decided to make a full U-turn. A boundless world opened to me, I rushed into it. With my body and soul, with the avid desire to create pieces of work or sceneries that reflect life and sharpen our imagination.
To do so, I started collecting materials which I tested and assembled, and, as any autodidact, I nourished myself from my experiments and failures in order to grow and improve further, ignoring the physical and artistic rules; even more, I arrogantly decided to cultivate this refusal of the artistic dictates.
Like an apprentice chef, I was gathering and accommodating the ingredients, combining hot and mild, spicy and sweet to create a new flavour, somehow iconoclastic but coherent.
Once immersed in this world, I became the spectator of these tiny miracles generated by improbable associations which sometimes appear as an evidence, as a gift from heaven, as the herald of a great joy.
But one have to be careful not to get lost along the way, to keep the track, to create an atmosphere, and suggest with power but freely, to allow the spectator to breathe and invite him to make the work become his own property. The book must remain half open, every piece being only the beginning of a story that each of us can use to make his or her own movie.
The final goal is achieved when the “viewer” manages to dive into his or her own imagination.