Sylvie Cliche
Beyond an aestheticism, it is the search for the sense that guides me. The themes I address only have one destination, the human condition and only one place, the body, symbol of our universality. In the course of organic bodies, in search of balance, lost in internal battles, my sculptures are facing and questioning my human fellows. They are in turn connections, attachments, dreams, contained anger, fragile borders of our precariousness …
A singular ascendant expressionist, secretly existentialist, I am a sponge of the earth, I absorb and spit out, without complacency and in absolute freedom, this world which needs to be rethought.
The use of mineral and vegetal material contributes to my purpose, I’m collecting rusted or wooden pieces as many traces of life, their stigmatized forms referring by analogy to our wounds that make us human and unique.
When she was a child, she used to go collecting clay with her grandfather. This determined her whole life. From this holiday ritual, she made a multitude of characters came to life. A rather strict education gave her the time to devote herself to reading and drawing. As a teenager, she took drawing lessons at the Quentin de La Tour school, opposite her high school, and learned dry pastel. Supported by her art teacher, the “province girl” went up to Paris, direction rue du Dragon and the famous Met de Penninghen school. She then entered ENSAAMA, after a competition and became an artistic director.
Parallel to her professional life, she paints, sculpts and creates illustrations on a freelance basis. Her career takes off again and Sylvie becomes Creative Director and supervises several teams within the communication group in which she works. Having become a mother, she needs to change region and returns to the post of artistic director, which allows her to devote more time to her daughter.
After her father’s death, a series of paintings exorcise her sorrow. It is a real artistic “turning point”: her palette darkens and her creations take on a much deeper meaning.
Chance puts an artistic agent in her path who encourages her to exhibit.
After a few changes of scenery, she decides to devote herself solely to creation. Her personal “writing” contributes to the recognition of her work as a painter, but it is her sculpture which very quickly propels her not only into the expressionist but also into the singular world.
Her art, tensed, sensitive and powerful, is a perpetual questioning. An invitation to reflection that leaves no one untouched. She explores the visible and invisible place of our common world with the caring eye of the one who hopes…